Studio Set
Interior design
Arq. Paramétrica
Parametric Arrangement
Acreditamos na imagem, produção e pensamento da arquitetura contemporânea, que busca ampliar seus pontos de vista usando o passado como incentivo, mas também observa as perspectivas futuras na objetificação e consolidação da mesma.
About us
The term “SET” means set, group and series. Thus, our ideals and visions are originated and shaped in this virtual space by a team of qualified and updated professionals who, through their knowledge and tools, solve the proposed challenges in a sustainable way, from an economic, environmental and social perspective.
We believe in the image, production and thinking of contemporary architecture, which seeks to expand its points of view using the past as an incentive, but also observes future perspectives in the objectification and consolidation of the same.
In this way, this virtual environment, characterized as a virtual studio, aims to encourage and propagate good architectural practices, their creators, their investigations and stories.
Projetos arquitetônicos
Design paramétricos
Programação generativas
Projetos artísticos e conceituais
Nos atualizamos constantemente, fomentamos a quebrar os paradigmas que permeiam o nosso atual estado de espírito. Assim, visamos aprender novas ferramentas, investir em equipamentos e pesquisas. Para que nosso serviço acompanhe as transformações do nosso tempo. Pois além de boas representações visuais proporcionamos projetos e estudos condizentes com os bons preceitos da atualidade.
As we constantly update ourselves, we encourage breaking the paradigms that permeate our current state of mind. Thus, we seek to learn new tools, invest in equipment and research. For our service to accompany the transformations of our time. For besides good visual representations, we provide projects and studies consistent with the good precepts of today.